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Ukraine Interns - Summer 2023

Despite the continuation of the war in Ukraine, summer ministry efforts have not stopped, and nor have the desires of young leaders to serve and point the next generation to Christ. This summer, Ukraine will host two national interns. Will you consider supporting their work?

These interns will complete a two-month internship, serving at evangelistic camps and outreach programs in partnership with multiple churches across Ukraine. While they continue to raise support for their work, they face hurdles in connecting with donors outside Ukraine, as current wartime restrictions bar men over the age of 18 from leaving the country. All gifts sent through this page will go directly towards supporting the work of these two interns. Giving options include:

  • Partial scholarship for one intern | $50
  • Partial scholarship for one intern | $100
  • Partial scholarship for one intern | $250
  • Partial scholarship for one intern | $500
  • Full scholarship for one intern | $850

The total cost for both interns is $1,700

To give a different amount, you can also click here.

Enter the quantity for each item below:

Partial Intern Scholarship $50 - 33 remaining
Partial Intern Scholarship $100 - 16 remaining
Partial Intern Scholarship $250 - 5 remaining
Partial Intern Scholarship $500 - 2 remaining
Full Intern Scholarship $850 - 2 remaining

Total: $0.00